Town of Palm Beach News

Town of Palm Beach Loses Battle Against State Regarding Uber

The Town of Palm Beach has lost a battle against the State of Florida when it comes to home rule authority, regarding transportation.

Uber and Lyft are among transportation network companies that cannot be regulated by local governments, in accordance with the bill recently adopted by the Florida Legislature which prohibits it. The bill establishes rules for fare requirements, registration, background checks and other items, but blocks municipalities from requiring a license, imposing a tax or adopting any other local regulations.

And from the Town of Palm Beach perspective, the State’s action is “bad news” at least according to the statement Deputy Town Manager Jay Boodheshwar gave to the Ordinances, Rules and Standards Committee on Thursday. No local rules can be imposed and there is nothing the Town of Palm Beach can do about it.

Town of Palm Beach Loses Battle Against State Regarding Uber

Palm Beach had stricter rules related to vehicle inspection, audits, driver identifications and many other safety concerns, and now their rules for taxis and Uber-like companies have become unusable. Committee chairwoman Bobbie Lindsay stated that insurance requirements outlined by the state bill would be considered inadequate by many Palm Beach standards.

Lyft and Uber, among other internet-based ride sharing companies, have been vocal about their desirable changes and imposing of uniform rules for months, as local regulations made it hard to do business with their varying requirements.

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Jess specializes in local news coverage. She is a hands on reporter attending every event and meeting she can in the community.

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