Tax Responsibility for Town of Palm Beach Par 3 Restaurant

The Town of Palm Beach Par 3 Golf Course has been extremely successful since its opening. Due to the success of this Town of Palm Beach owned golf course, a privately owned club house restaurant- Al Fresco- was added in 2014 to allow for increased revenue. According to The Town of Palm Beach Director of Recreation, Beth Zickar, the golf course is expected to see an even greater increase of $100,000 in revenue for the 2016 fiscal year.
Town of Palm Beach Par 3
The current agreement between the restaurant’s management company, PB Ocean View Inc., and the Town of Palm Beach is in need of alteration. The section of the agreement that needs to be assessed is the section that discusses who handles the taxes on the portion of the building currently operating as a restaurant. The current agreement states that the Town of Palm Beach is responsible for funding all of the utilities for the entirety of the property; the club house, restaurant, public restrooms, and Town offices. The utilities the Town of Palm Beach is currently responsible for include; gas, electric, cable, and water.
This issue was meant to be discussed at the last Town Council meeting. Zickar explained that, “The amendment that was on the Town Council agenda for the October 13 meeting was pulled by staff prior to the vote. It was felt that additional discussions were warranted. The intention is to bring a modified version back for Council consideration at a future meeting.”
The next Town Council of the Town of Palm Beach meeting is November 10th where it will hopefully be decided who is responsible for paying what. It is quite important that more residents attend the Town Council meetings and voice their opinions in public so the Town Council elected officials can hear what their constituents believe is fair.
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