Temporary Bridge Opening Limits During President Trump Visits

A public notice will be issued by the U.S. Coast Guard regarding upcoming plans to temporarily limit Bridge openings during presidential visits.
During weekday afternoons, beginning September 1 through February 27, Flagler Memorial and Royal Park Bridges will open only once hourly, when President Trump is in town. Southern Boulevard Bridge will be closed during motorcade activity, but will generally keep normal drawbridge hours. Regular weekend hours will remain as scheduled. The limited bridge openings may become the new protocol while under Trump’s candicacy, which will be determined at the completion of a 180-day trial basis.
All of President Trump’s previous visits created traffic jams due to Southern Boulevard bridge closures, causing diverted traffic to flood the Flagler and Royal Park bridges, which became halted during drawbridge openings.
After the traffic plan placed into effect this past spring failed to actively address both automobile and watercraft traffic pile-ups, town officials met with the Coast Guard; as well as members of the Department of Transportation and Secret Service, requesting modifications be made. The upcoming plans are a direct result of that meeting. According to Mayor Gail Cognilio,“We look forward to maintaining traffic in the Town of Palm Beach as efficiently, and as smoothly as possible.”
Temporary Bridge Opening Limits During President Trump Visits
The extended efforts to alleviate the traffic problems were, as stated on the notice, “…necessary to ensure the safety of the roadways, while meeting the needs of waterways users, whenever the President of the United States, members of the First Family, or other persons under the protection of the Secret Service are present…”
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It is requested by the Coast Guard that the public submit their comments or suggestions to regulations.gov by October 16th. Submissions should include docket number: USCG-2017-0273, should be specific to the document sections of the notice, and provide a reason for each recommendation.
For more information, please contact Eddie Lawrence at (305) 415-6946 or Eddie.H.Lawrence@uscg.mil.
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