town of palm beach undergrounding

Town Wins Undergounding-Related Lawsuit
After bringing a lawsuit against the Town of Palm Beach that was struck down by a judge, a Palm Beach Towers-based firm has been ordered to pay for the cost of the town’s legal defense in the lawsuit, as first reported by the Palm Beach Daily News. The firm brought

Undergrounding Project To Continue This Summer
Overhead utility lines near the Mar-a-Lago Club owned by President Donald Trump may be replaced with buried lines by 2020 as a part of the Town of Palm Beach’s ongoing undergrounding project according to a town official and as first reported by the Palm Beach Daily News. The president’s club

Palm Beach Residents for Undergrounding
Voting day is right around the corner and one of the most hotly debated issues for the Town of Palm Beach March 15th ballot is the Underground Utility Referendum. Zach Shipley, leader of the Palm Beach Residents for Undergrounding PAC, believes that it is his duty to educate residents on