Town of Palm Beach News

Photographer Spending April on Worth Avenue

Since April 1, a photographer by the name of Casey Derrenger has been spending his days on Worth Avenue in Palm Beach, as first reported by the Palm Beach Daily News.

Derrenger takes photos—mostly scenery, some imagery—on his cell phone, but he is saving up for a professional camera. He wants to take higher quality images so he can publish a book of his work.

Lately, Derrenger is inspired by the sights, sounds, and people of Worth Avenue, where Derrenger and his dog Jamenson hang out next to a stuffed backpack and a cardboard sign that reads, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Monday marked the halfway point of Derrenger’s visit to Palm Beach. He arrived April 1 and plans to leave on April 30. Derrenger says that since last July, he has traveled from town to town, spending one month in each. 

Although Derrenger doesn’t have a permanent address, he insists that he is not homeless. 

“My home is America,” he says. “Wherever I rest my head in this country, I’m home.”

According to Derrenger, homelessness is not defined by brick and mortar, but is a state of mind. 

“Homeless is someone that only cares about themselves and dwells in their own self pity,” he says.

Photographer Spending April on Worth Avenue

Derrenger is very open and constantly wears a smile. He will tell stories about his life to anyone would cares to sit and talk or join him in performing acts of kindness, such as picking up trash. 

He spends his nights in a covered area next to an agreeable police officer’s home in West Palm Beach. In the morning, he charges his cell phone at Starbucks and fills a bowl of water for Jamenson. 

Derrenger is trying to spread a message of awareness, togetherness, and of helping your fellow neighbor. He said that his time in Palm Beach so far has been marked by both kindness and vitriol from passersby.

“If I am really bothering you that much, why don’t you come over and have a conversation with me?” he says of his message to anyone who may be offended by his presence.

Derrenger says that some people on Worth Avenue take his picture, and others give him water or supplies. He understands that his pretense makes some people uncomfortable, especially since he’s been in town for over two weeks now. 

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Police say there have been three complaints about Derrenger, but he has not been cited for anything. He has records in both Oregon and Alaska that include a DUI and marijuana offenses.

Derrenger does not solicit on the street but has a Go Fund Me page to raise money to purchase an RV and publish his photographs.

Derrenger hopes to raise enough money not only to achieve his dreams, but to help others. He says he already does this by giving anything extra he receives to those less fortunate than himself.

“I’ve lived a privileged life,” he says. “I never went without.”

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Alanna Barrett

Alanna Barrett

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