George W. Bush Attends Palm Beach Fundraiser for Rick Scott
George W. Bush, our 43rd president made his way over to the Town of Palm Beach this past Friday to attend a fundraiser with his brother Jeb Bush and numerous other notables for current Governor, Rick Scott for his Senate race.
According to Politico, Bush is on a circuit tour to help get more Republicans in office. Florida is a key state in the current midterm elections. Bush and Scott also made a fundraising appearance in Tampa, the same day as the Town of Palm Beach event.
While the location was kept low key, donations received were from $1,000 to $25,000 according to Palm Beach Daily News. The fundraising group is called the New Republican PAC, which focuses on elected Scott to the Florida Senate. Currently, this seat is held by Democrat and incumbent, Bill Nelson. The website states that Scott was “unknown” in regards to politics when he ran in 2016 when he first ran for Governor.
This PAC is using direct voter contact, such as being “regional focused” as stated on the website. The PAC is independent, running separately from the RNC. Many videos on the website are negative towards Senator Nelson, calling him a puppet in some videos. According to the website, Nelson and Scott are currently tied.
George W. Bush Attends Palm Beach Fundraiser for Rick Scott
The Town of Palm Beach is an interesting locale for the former president. Bush, who was a vocal critic of Trump, did not host the fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago. According to Palm Beach Daily News, Bush declined to endorse Trump for president. Jeb Bush, brother to George W Bush, ran a failed campaign against Trump in 2016. Both Bush brothers did not attend the Republican National Convention in 2016.
Scott, who was an avid Trump supporter, has kept his support quiet since launching his campaign. Regarding Tampa, Trump has made appearances in the state to support Republican candidates in Florida. One prominent one candidate is Ron DeSantis, who is running for Governor. Trump appeared with the DeSantis in Tampa last July.
Related>>> Protest at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach
The general election is November 6, where Scott will face off against Nelson.
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