Another Car Crash on Palm Beach Island

A Deerfield Beach woman named Vanessa Edmond, 25, crashed into a median, according to Palm Beach Daily News. The woman had several injuries involving her head and her face. The woman was hospitalized. She was cited for “careless driving.” There was no suspected use of any drugs or alcohol, according to the report of the incident.
This crash occurred by Royal Palm Way, where Edmond’s car had hit a tree in that area as well as a median. Her car collided with another vehicle who was also driving in the area. Edmond was driving a Toyota Camry, when the accident occured. The driver of the Ford F-150, she had hit, had no injuries and did not go to the hospital, according to the report. According to an early report, someone involved in the incident allegedly refused hospital treatment. When the crash occurred, Palm Beach Daily News reported that traffic was blocked off.
The crash was due to an “improper turn” according to accounts. Edmond caused about $100 estimated worth of damage to a Town light pole as well as $10,000 estimated damage to the car she had hit. Her own vehicle had about an estimated $6,000 worth of damage reported. Edmonds had made the F-150 spin when the cars collided.
Another Car Crash on Palm Beach Island
This recent accident was similar to another car crash case that occurred in Palm Beach last week. During the incident last week, however, the man who crashed his BMW had fallen asleep at the wheel.
Last week, reported by Palm Beach Daily News, a car crash occurred in the Town of Palm Beach. This was an incident of “careless driving” and occurred early in the morning around 5:30 am in the town.
The car was a BMW that crashed into a “bicycle rack and two benches” by Ocean Blvd. The driver was charged with a misdemeanor.
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