This 1927 Town of Palm Beach Sign Might Be Removed

The Town Council will be deciding whether to do away with an obsolete building sign, that has been a big a part of Palm Beach history, but no longer serves a purpose.
The prominent First National Bank sign located at 255 South County Road, has been in service since the bank originally opened its doors on December 1, 1927. It was Palm Beach’s very first bank, and as such, its signage still remains; preserved long after First National actually closed its doors for business on December 30, 1986—but not for much longer.
This past Wednesday, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted in accordance to bring the matter to the Town Council, deciding the fate of antiquated display.
The sign sits on a building that now houses a Wells Fargo Bank, which creates confusion. A recommendation by the Commission will propose that a Wells Fargo sign be put in its place, making it easier for the bank’s customers and visitors to find. The Wells Fargo is currently unidentifiable from street view, making it hard to locate.
According to the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s Vice Chairman, Richard Rene Silvin “I can understand that it’s confusing for them and that they want to change it.” Silvin adds, “I would have no problem with it at all.”
This 1927 Town of Palm Beach Sign Might Be Removed
Since 255 South County Road is not a landmark building, the First National Bank’s sign removal can be executed with a favorable vote by the Commission, to put to the Town Council for a final vote.
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There are still First National Bank signs remaining on two additional South County Road locations, at 239 and 251, which are landmark buildings. These locations would need to undergo review and approval by the Commission prior to making any alterations; as way of preserving the historical integrity of the buildings. It is not known whether or not the signs for these locations will be changed.
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