palm beach mar-a-lago

Teenager Snuck Into Mar-a-Lago During Presidential Visit
In November, during one of President Trump’s visits to Mar-a-Lago, an eighteen-year-old college freshman snuck into the club and wandered the grounds for twenty minutes before he was arrested, as first reported by the Palm Beach Daily News. On Tuesday, Mark Lindblom told a federal magistrate that his only motivation

Palm Beach to Remove Remains of Boat
On Friday, Palm Beach officials said that they would remove the remaining bits of an abandoned boat that has sat unmoved on the beach near President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago since it first washed ashore in January, according to the Palm Beach Daily News. “We could go there with some chainsaws and

Undergrounding Project To Continue This Summer
Overhead utility lines near the Mar-a-Lago Club owned by President Donald Trump may be replaced with buried lines by 2020 as a part of the Town of Palm Beach’s ongoing undergrounding project according to a town official and as first reported by the Palm Beach Daily News. The president’s club