President to Visit Palm Beach Easter Weekend

President Donald Trump is expected to visit Palm Beach for Easter weekend, as first reported by the Palm Beach Daily News.
The President is expected to arrive Thursday, based on a Federal Aviation Administration notice on Monday that announced “VIP movement” around Palm Beach from Thursday through Sunday. These notices are normally the first indication of a presidential visit, with more specific information regarding times for flight restrictions coming later.
Another early indication of presidential visits is traffic restrictions. On Tuesday, Palm Beach announced those restrictions.
The town said that the process of establishing checkpoints and road closures in and around Mar-A-Lago will begin at 5 a.m. Thursday.
President to Visit Palm Beach Easter Weekend
Residents should expect traffic delays and road closures in the area around the president’s club through Sunday, the town added.
Trump has spent Easter in Palm Beach at Mar-a-Lago the past two years, attending services at The Episcopal Church of Bethesda-By-The-Sea.
In 2018, some churchgoers waited hours to secure a seat at the 11 a.m. service. The president, first lady Melanie Trump, and the president’s youngest daughter, Tiffany, entered the church through a side door and sat in the third row of pews surrounded by the Secret Service.
The Trump family regularly visits the town of Palm Beach during the holidays, so many residents are accustomed to the accompanying traffic changes.
Related >>> President Trump’s Weekend in Palm Beach
During the closure period, all forms of travel, including pedestrian, are prohibited on South Ocean Boulevard from the intersection of South County Road to Southern Boulevard. The travel restrictions will also extend eastward to the Atlantic Ocean. Residents living south of the South Ocean Boulevard and South County intersection will be granted access with proper credentials.
Town officials said that commercial vehicles are prohibited from traveling east on Southern Boulevard and north of the 1200 block of South Ocean. There will also be marine security zones in effect during the president’s visit.
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