Palm Beach Historical Shopping District Speed Limit Slowed to 25mph

After a recent study of traffic by the Florida Department of Transportation, the speed limit has been slowed to 25 mph near the shopping and historical districts between the avenues of Seaspray and Hammon.
The effort to make the area safer for pedestrians comes soon after major improvements to Town Square, in order to accommodate increasing foot traffic. Last year, there was a landscaping overhaul, and an installation of shade trees and tabby sidewalks. Before that, the restoration of Memorial Park and Mizner Fountain; the construction project that included drainage upgrades and street paving, which triggered a traffic study that eventually sparked the need for a follow-up study of speed on north and south bound lane traffic in several areas around the district.
According to Leader of the Palm Beach Walks, John David Corey, the new development is a win for pedestrians, cyclists, and tourists alike. “This is a terrific development and will go a long way toward helping set the tone in this district as a pedestrian/vehicular ‘shared zone.’” Palm Beach Walks was instrumental in working with the Town and Florida Department of Transportation, on whose authority which the jurisdiction falls under. [According to Palm Beach Daily News]
Palm Beach Historical Shopping District Speed Limit Slowed to 25mph
At total of six new speed limit signs are posted; four of which replace existing signage, with two entirely new signs installed south of Seaspray and north of Hammon.
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Jonathan Overton, Assistant District Traffic Operations Engineer with the DOT said, “We want to post a speed limit at which prudent drivers are driving,” he said. “It helps to keep speed variation out of the traffic stream [and] makes enforcement reasonable and practical.”
The speed reduction falls under Town Councilwoman Margaret Zeidman’s, who is all for it, stating, “It helps keep pedestrians safe.”
As a Town publication, we are all for reduced speed zones.
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