Town of Palm Beach Hurricane Season ID Cards

Town of Palm Beach residents, are you prepared for the possibility of storms this summer Season? It’s the start of June, which means it’s time for Hurricane season to begin. The Town Palm Beach wants to make sure you are prepared.
According to the Town of Palm Beach website, the Police Department is recommending that businesses, contractors, landscapers and residential staff of Palm Beach establishments, should consider obtaining Town ID cards. The Palm Beach Police Department recommends to do it as soon as possible.
Make sure your ID application forms are notarized beforehand, or this may cause complications while trying to obtain them. There is a $15 fee, but be sure to have a cash or check with you, because you will not be able to pay with a card.
You can obtain these forms and other information regarding IDs under the “How Do I?” tab on the Town of Palm Beach website. You can also use the Police Department website under the “Quick Link” tab.
The Police Department’s Crime Scene Unit will give out those IDs to those applied, 2 days before a Hurricane is projected to hit the area. That being said, the Police Department advises getting these IDs early. The Crime Scene Unit is open Monday through Friday from 10 am to 2 pm, except on any given holiday. The office is located at 345 S. County Road, Palm Beach, FL 33480.
Town of Palm Beach Hurricane Season ID Cards
If a storm is approaching, and if there is an evacuation ordered, the Police Department will have certain established checkpoint areas, according to the Town of Palm Beach website. Once the Town’s Damage Assessment Team clears the area and evaluates any damage caused by the storm, residents will be allowed to come back to the area.
Related>>> Hurricane Passes for Town of Palm Beach Residents
The last major Hurricane to impact Florida was Hurricane Irma this past September. Make sure to start making any preparations early for this Hurricane Season. According to Colorado State University, Florida has a 39% chance of getting hit by a major Hurricane this year.
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