Marathon Permit Voted Down in Town of Palm Beach

As previously reported by the Palm Beach Record there was a discussion about brining a marathon to the Town of Palm Beach. There was a pending location, however, that is no longer the case. According to the Palm Beach Daily News, a vote for a marathon permit was rejected by 4-1 by the Town Council. The planned route would have been 1.2 miles around the Town. The Town voted down the marathon due to complaints from residents of the Town. Many cited it would impact the police and be “draining” to the small town vibe in Palm Beach.
During the last race, Town of Palm Beach Police were stationed along the island, hence the reason there were such concerns about the police being drained. There was also a concern about the police and Donald Trump, as all hands on deck must be present when the president is in town. The race would have been held after Thanksgiving, this made many members of the council feel as if it wasn’t “town-serving.”
Marathon Permit Voted Down in Town of Palm Beach
Last year, the event had about 3,500 runners and cost the Town around $1,900. The cost to the Town and draining of the police forced needed for the event this year raised concerns. The owners of the marathon said they “respected” the choice. There was no alternative location proposed in the article or on the website for the marathon. The website still has December 1-3 as a listed date for the marathon with the slogan “it’s back!” Last year, the event was held by Flagler Drive.
The event held last year prompted some romantic memories. According to Palm Beach Daily News, a man proposed to his girlfriend when she finished the race.
Related>>> Marathon Route in the Works for Town of Palm Beach
The marathon has been quoted as “locally owned.” The marathon would have happened regardless of weather conditions. Free cowbells are given out at the marathons to cheer on those taking part in the event
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