
Fate of the Royal Poinciana Playhouse

The journey of the Royal Poinciana Playhouse has been a roller coaster since the new owners took over a little over a decade ago. With the construction of Flagler bridge and the pending development of the Testa’s property, many residents who call the Town of Palm Beach home continue to be concerned about the future of this prized playhouse.

The new owner of the Royal Poinciana Playhouse is National Arts Institute, they are familiar with the performing arts scene in South Florida. The playhouse has been vacant and under lease since 2004, the lease indicates that it must be used as a playhouse. This inoperable status has caused dismay to longtime residents who express their concern that the Royal Poinciana Playhouse has been out of service for over a decade.

Over the past years, the NAI have been in constant conversation with the Planning and Zoning Committee and Town Council of Palm Beach over possible renovations. There has been site plan submissions for possible office space, which would be over-stepping the integrity of the Royal Poinciana Playhouse property. The NAI and their architectural designers estimated in that the renovations would cost around $30 million dollars.

Fate of the Royal Poinciana Playhouse

There are many skeptics on the Town Council that do not have full faith in these renovations. Debates have sparked on the Dias over the proposed parking spaces that NAI presented several times as a special exception. Some of the Councilmen have taken a cautious stance before approving the half-developed plans. The glacial pace of the renovations has been a product due to the lack of details in the plans from the NAI and guarded opinions of the Town Council.

The Palm Beach Theaters Guild along with many other residents are irked by the lack of action. It is still unknown as to when the renovations will begin and even more so as to when the Royal Poinciana Playhouse will re-open. Keeping the integrity of Royal Poinciana Way and the Playhouse should be the forefront of  future decisions concerning this local landmark.

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The Author

Evan S.

Evan S.

Carter is obsessed with breaking news and has written for several newspapers and blogs around the country.

1 Comment

  1. Ted Donahue
    February 22, 2019 at 3:24 pm — Reply

    This will happen only when hell freezes over……

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